How much Swedish snus can you actually take with you on the trip when traveling abroad to EU or outside?

How much Swedish snus can you actually take with you on the trip when traveling abroad to EU or outside Europe?

That is the question many people ask themselves every time they have to pack their suitcases. Is it only the 1 snus can in the pocket that your can bring or is it okay to put rolls of snus in the luggage to plan a longer stay?

All countries have different rules and these can vary greatly depending on where you travel. In some countries it is completely illegal to bring snuff with you, and in other places you can almost bring as much as you want- for personal use.

How much snus can I bring to other countries?
When you travel within the EU, it is permitted to bring snus for personal use - even though it is forbidden to sell Swedish snus in most EU countries. Personal use means that you must be able to justify the quantity of Swedish snus you brought and that it should be in for your daily consumption.

If you cannot find regulations for the country you are going to, it may be good to contact the country's embassy or the local customs office. The website is the official website for Sweden's embassies and consulates abroad.

How much Swedish snus you can bring abroad when travelling (plane, car or any other transport):

Most of EU countries: For personal use only

China: 500 grams
Vietnam: 500 grams
Japan: 500 grams
Brazil: 250 grams
India: 250 grams
Iran: 250 grams
Iraq: 250 grams
Norway: 250 grams
Switzerland: 250 grams
Malaysia: 225 grams
Mexico: 200 grams
New Zealand: 50 grams
Australia: 25 grams
Cyprus: For personal use only
Finland: 1000 grams
France: For own use
Greece: For own use
Hong Kong: 25 grams
Indonesia: 100 grams
Italy: For personal use only
Canada: 200 grams
Croatia: 250 grams
Spain: For own use
Thailand: 250 grams
Turkey: 200 grams
Ukraine: 250 grams
USA: 1 roll of Swedish snus

Iceland- Forbidden
Sri Lanka- Forbidden
Singapore- Forbidden

