siberika snus

  1. Siberia snus- all types available at The Royal Snus Online Shop

    Siberia snus

    Siberia snus- all types available at The Royal Snus Online Shop!

    Siberia snus are known as one of the worlds strongest snus and it is unique in many ways. The most notable for SIBERIA snus- it is served with extremely high nicotine content of 43 mg /g. The manufacturer is GN Tobacco  and it emphasizes that it is approximately 43 mg nicotine per gram in the SIBERIA White Dry version snus what makes Siberia snus the most strongest Swedish Snus available on market. Siberia is one of the most popular Swedish snus products on market these days. Siberia snus is available in more flavors and since 2021 it is also available with natural tobacco flavor, known as Siberia Black series snus. Siberia snus are available in different types as original portion, white portion, slim and now also

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  2. NEW! Siberia tobacco free nicopods- available at The Royal Snus Online shop!

    Siberia tobacco free snus

    NEW! Siberia tobacco free nicopods- available at The Royal Snus Online shop!

    Siberia nicotine pouches- finally launched by GN Tobacco and now available in 3 formats as SIBERIA -80 ALL WHITE ORIGINAL, SIBERIA -80 ALL WHITE SLIM and ofcourse the super slim format SIBERIA -80 ALL WHITE SUPER SLIM. Made for all types of nicotine pouches users and strong nicotine content lovers and never the less dominant mint flavour.

    Siberia snus is one of the world's strongest snus and it is unique in many ways. The most notable for SIBERIA snus that it is served with extremely high nicotine content of 43 mg/g and for the minty notes. The manufacturer GN Tobacco emphasizes that it is approximately 43 mg nicotine per gram in SIBERIA White Dry version snus what makes Siberia snus the most strongest Swedish Snus available on market. Siberia is one of the most popular Swedish snus products on market right now

    Give a try!

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