Snus varieties and types

SNUS comes in many variations, formats and flavors form many Swedish manufacturers and brands. Snus has it's main focus on a distinct tobacco flavor, but there are many added flavors for every snus user taste as mint, berry, fruty, licorice, whiskey, wintergreen, juniper, frost, citrus and of course the traditional flavor- natural tobacco flavor snus. The main formats are white portion snus, original portion snus and the old classic- loose snus. The nicotine content of snus also variates between different snus brands and are usually between 6- 43mg. Snus are served in regular portion, mini portion, slim portion, extra slim portion and loose.

Swedish SNUS
Snus is quality, moistened, smokeless tobacco, which has been in use in Sweden for more than 200 years, 
Snus is a smokeless tobacco product placed between lip and gum. There are countless Snus flavors and strengths of the nicotine content.
Swedish snus is served in portions (bags) that are larger than American snus portions. Swedish snus

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